My reaction on first hearing it was complicated. It's made up of four essentially identical stories: three involving near-death experiences, one involving unemployment (which, if you've ever been truly and not figuratively hungry, isn't as distinct a thing from death as you might otherwise think). At first I thought it was a parody of R. Kelly; I kept waiting for the punch line to come, maybe some reference to the porn tape or to underage girls. But there was no punch line: in the first verse, a man gets into a car accident, is pronounced hopeless by doctors, and regains consciousness, at which point he makes his decision for Christ. When the second verse began its hopeless-to-hopeful story of a man who gets a job just as the nails of poverty are beginning to claw at his faith, I knew I was hearing something rather different from what I usually hear during what broadcasting parlance has termed "morning drive."


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