Indeed! Indeed my friends! If there is one thing we all know it’s that if the various types of albums are considered as constituent parts making up a body, then tribute albums are the stinking buttholes of the whole operation! For sure! O friends! Certainly we know that every review of a tribute album we will ever read, without fail, will place greater emphasis on making sure that we know the author does not like tribute albums than on telling us much about the album itself! No! There can be no doubt about it! You must tell your friends: your local rock critic, he does not like tribute albums! He is smarter than that! He has better taste than that! He can see through the blatant commercialism of things with titles like “Imagine: A Tribute to John Lennon” and he will not be fooled by the machinations of the publicists! I know it! You know it! We know it, because we have been told: down with tribute albums!

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